(EN) Jay Price, Mysterious Cold War bunker closes, in Charlotte Observer, The McClatchy Company, 10 agosto 2008, ISSN 2331-7221 (WC · ACNP). URL consultato il 15 luglio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 ottobre 2020).
«Although AT&T had dozens of similar communications bunkers across the country, the one in Chatham was part of a heavily armored and heavily guarded group of just five that went by the deceptively bland name of "Project Offices," said Albert LaFrance, who runs two Web sites dedicated to Cold War infrastructure. Unlike the more common AT&T communications bunkers, the Project Offices were apparently designed to shelter high-level government and military officials as part of a plan to preserve at least a skeletal national government in the event of a nuclear attack, LaFrance said. These “Continuance of Government” facilities would need communications capability, but communications wasn't their main mission, he said.»