Dorsale di Reykjanes (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Dorsale di Reykjanes" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
3,591st place
7,335th place
1st place
1st place
344th place
457th place

  • (EN) Ármann Höskuldsson, Richard Hey, Ferdinando Martinez, Ásdís Benediktsdóttir, Njörður central volcano, first direct evidence of shallow magma chambers on the Reykjanes ridge (PDF), su, 2010-01, p. 79–80. URL consultato il 22 aprile 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 novembre 2012).
    «Njörður central volcano, is situated at the foot of the Icelandic shelf on the Reykjanes ridge with its centre at 62.8°N and 25°V. Graben structures are not observed between 59°N and Njörður (62.8°N), as the Reykjanes ridge forms a topographic high along this part of the plate boundary.»