Edobacomab (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Edobacomab" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
4th place
9th place



  • RL. Greenman, RM. Schein; MA. Martin; RP. Wenzel; NR. MacIntyre; G. Emmanuel; H. Chmel; RB. Kohler; M. McCarthy; J. Plouffe, A controlled clinical trial of E5 murine monoclonal IgM antibody to endotoxin in the treatment of gram-negative sepsis. The XOMA Sepsis Study Group., in JAMA, vol. 266, n. 8, agosto 1991, pp. 1097-102, PMID 1865542.
  • RC. Bone, RA. Balk; AM. Fein; TM. Perl; RP. Wenzel; HD. Reines; RW. Quenzer; TJ. Iberti; N. Macintyre; RM. Schein, A second large controlled clinical study of E5, a monoclonal antibody to endotoxin: results of a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. The E5 Sepsis Study Group., in Crit Care Med, vol. 23, n. 6, giugno 1995, pp. 994-1006, PMID 7774238.
  • DC. Angus, MC. Birmingham; RA. Balk; PJ. Scannon; D. Collins; JA. Kruse; DR. Graham; HV. Dedhia; S. Homann; N. MacIntyre, E5 murine monoclonal antiendotoxin antibody in gram-negative sepsis: a randomized controlled trial. E5 Study Investigators., in JAMA, vol. 283, n. 13, aprile 2000, pp. 1723-30, PMID 10755499.