Recensione di The Fall of an EmpireArchiviato il 18 gennaio 2007 in Internet Archive. In un commento Philippe Giordana ha spiegato: "[...] Honestly, the way we see the name is this: Fairyland (or Faeryland) comes from gaelic and Scottish legends. It is the "other world", the world of dreams, and nightmares too. Go check the definition of Fairyland on It's exactly what it says: the world of imagination, a world that exists only in one's fantasy. I think that reguarding our concept and all, it really fits to what we do. Maybe not so "hairy-big-guy-with-sword-and-chained-maid" metal, but still something that meets my personal conception of what our band is. [...]" - Fairyland, su URL consultato il 31 maggio 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 ottobre 2007).
Recensione di The Fall of an EmpireArchiviato il 18 gennaio 2007 in Internet Archive. In un commento Philippe Giordana ha spiegato: "[...] Honestly, the way we see the name is this: Fairyland (or Faeryland) comes from gaelic and Scottish legends. It is the "other world", the world of dreams, and nightmares too. Go check the definition of Fairyland on It's exactly what it says: the world of imagination, a world that exists only in one's fantasy. I think that reguarding our concept and all, it really fits to what we do. Maybe not so "hairy-big-guy-with-sword-and-chained-maid" metal, but still something that meets my personal conception of what our band is. [...]"