(EN) Liz Shannon Miller, 'For All Mankind': Ronald D. Moore on Season 2 Tragedies, Season 3 Hints, and the Official Reason Why Russia Beat America to the Moon, su collider.com, Collider, 23 aprile 2021. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2021.
«Our point of divergence was the idea that Sergei Korolev, who was the father of the Soviet space program, in reality, he died during an operation in Moscow in the mid '60s. And after that point, their moon program really never pulled together. They had developed the N1 rocket, but it kept blowing up. And it all kind of fell apart in the race to the moon. Our point of divergence was that Korolev lives, and that somehow, he was able to pull all the bureaucratic pieces together and the technological challenges, and he made their moon landing happen.»