(EN) Pumpkins, Cure, Deftones, Gus Gus, Rammstein, Others Toast Depeche Mode, in MTV.com, 12 giugno 1998. URL consultato il 4 aprile 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 7 aprile 2014).
«Smashing Pumpkins, the Cure, the Deftones, Gus Gus, and Rammstein have made the cut and will see their unique odes to Depeche Mode released on an upcoming tribute album to that influential 80s synth-mope outfit. "For The Masses," which arrives on August 4, and will also boast tracks from Apollo 440, God Lives Underwater, Veruca Salt, Failure, Dishwalla, Meat Beat Manifesto, Hooverphonic, Locust, Monster Magnet, and Rabbit in the Moon.»