Giganti di Mont'e Prama (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Giganti di Mont'e Prama" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1st place
1st place
121st place
91st place
1,594th place
61st place
low place
low place
2,125th place
105th place
14th place
11th place
low place
843rd place
485th place
613th place
1,491st place
59th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
4,827th place
1,047th place
1,133rd place
789th place
37th place
5th place
26th place
4,963rd place
325th place
6,782nd place
low place
low place
1,383rd place
low place
low place
9,671st place
424th place
low place
1,788th place
120th place
267th place
low place
low place
274th place
393rd place
6th place
8th place
low place
low place

  • (EN) Anna Olivieri et al., Mitogenome Diversity in Sardinians: A Genetic Window onto an Island's Past (abstract), in Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 34, n. 5, maggio 2017, pp. 1230-1239, ISSN 0737-4038 (WC · ACNP). URL consultato il 16 agosto 2018 (archiviato il 17 agosto 2018).
    «[…] the frequency of H3 in Sardinia (18.4%) is the highest reported till now, and haplogroup H3 harbors a very peculiar geographical distribution. The highest frequencies are in western Mediterranean (Sardinians, Basques and other Iberians), with a sharp decrease towards Central and Eastern Europe and only very few occurrences in the Near East (fig. 4; supplementary table S9, Supplementary Material online), which founder analyses explain as recent incursions. Given that the population size trends for the Sardinian H3 mtDNAs indicate an expansion beginning between 9.0 and 10.5 Kya (fig. 4), it is tempting to link such an expansion to a pre-Neolithic arrival and diffusion of H3 on the island, most likely from a Western Mediterranean source, as previously suggested (Achilli et al. 2004; Torroni et al. 2006; Soares et al. 2010), possibly the same ancestral source of the ancestors of U5b1i1 and Y-chromosome haplogroup I2a1a1-M26 (Francalacci et al. 2015)»
  • Olivieri, Anna, et al., "Mitogenome diversity in Sardinians: a genetic window onto an island's past." Molecular biology and evolution (supplementary material). URL consultato il 16 agosto 2018 (archiviato il 17 agosto 2018).

  • (SC) Luca Foddai, Mont'e Prama in Sèrbia, su Limba Sarda 2.0, 16 novembre 2022. URL consultato il 15 dicembre 2023.

  • Santoni (2008), p. 570. Vincenzo Santoni et al., Il bronzo recente e finale di Su Monte, Sorradile (Oristano), in La Civiltà nuragica: nuove acquisizioni 2, Quartu Sant'Elena, Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Sardegna, 2008, SBN IT\ICCU\CAG\1703008.
  • Santoni (2008), p. 607. Vincenzo Santoni et al., Il bronzo recente e finale di Su Monte, Sorradile (Oristano), in La Civiltà nuragica: nuove acquisizioni 2, Quartu Sant'Elena, Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Sardegna, 2008, SBN IT\ICCU\CAG\1703008.
  • Nieddu (2007). Alba Foschi Nieddu, Αριστον μεν υδωρ. Il santuario nuragico di Matzanni: un tesoro ritrovato, in Villa Hermosa. Storia e identità di un luogo, Sassari, 2007, SBN IT\ICCU\CAG\1721335.

  • (EN) Anna Olivieri et al., Mitogenome Diversity in Sardinians: A Genetic Window onto an Island's Past (abstract), in Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 34, n. 5, maggio 2017, pp. 1230-1239, ISSN 0737-4038 (WC · ACNP). URL consultato il 16 agosto 2018 (archiviato il 17 agosto 2018).
    «[…] the frequency of H3 in Sardinia (18.4%) is the highest reported till now, and haplogroup H3 harbors a very peculiar geographical distribution. The highest frequencies are in western Mediterranean (Sardinians, Basques and other Iberians), with a sharp decrease towards Central and Eastern Europe and only very few occurrences in the Near East (fig. 4; supplementary table S9, Supplementary Material online), which founder analyses explain as recent incursions. Given that the population size trends for the Sardinian H3 mtDNAs indicate an expansion beginning between 9.0 and 10.5 Kya (fig. 4), it is tempting to link such an expansion to a pre-Neolithic arrival and diffusion of H3 on the island, most likely from a Western Mediterranean source, as previously suggested (Achilli et al. 2004; Torroni et al. 2006; Soares et al. 2010), possibly the same ancestral source of the ancestors of U5b1i1 and Y-chromosome haplogroup I2a1a1-M26 (Francalacci et al. 2015)»

  • (EN) Anna Olivieri et al., Mitogenome Diversity in Sardinians: A Genetic Window onto an Island's Past (abstract), in Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 34, n. 5, maggio 2017, pp. 1230-1239, ISSN 0737-4038 (WC · ACNP). URL consultato il 16 agosto 2018 (archiviato il 17 agosto 2018).
    «[…] the frequency of H3 in Sardinia (18.4%) is the highest reported till now, and haplogroup H3 harbors a very peculiar geographical distribution. The highest frequencies are in western Mediterranean (Sardinians, Basques and other Iberians), with a sharp decrease towards Central and Eastern Europe and only very few occurrences in the Near East (fig. 4; supplementary table S9, Supplementary Material online), which founder analyses explain as recent incursions. Given that the population size trends for the Sardinian H3 mtDNAs indicate an expansion beginning between 9.0 and 10.5 Kya (fig. 4), it is tempting to link such an expansion to a pre-Neolithic arrival and diffusion of H3 on the island, most likely from a Western Mediterranean source, as previously suggested (Achilli et al. 2004; Torroni et al. 2006; Soares et al. 2010), possibly the same ancestral source of the ancestors of U5b1i1 and Y-chromosome haplogroup I2a1a1-M26 (Francalacci et al. 2015)»