Staff & Contributors « SciFi Japan, su, 18 maggio 1998. URL consultato il 22 gennaio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 16 ottobre 2013).
David Konow, The 3D Godzilla Movie That Almost Was, su Tested, 27 marzo 2014. URL consultato il 1º ottobre 2016 (archiviato dall'url originale il 30 settembre 2020).
"EXTRA: The Return of Godzilla 30th / ゴジラ('84) 30周年スペシャル〜EXTRA〜 (SciFi JAPAN TV #36)"., CHO Japan (December 11, 2014) We went back to the theme of nuclear weapons, since that was the theme of the original film. Japan has now learned three times what a nuclear disaster is, but at that time Japan had already had two. The problem was Japanese society was gradually forgetting about these disasters. They were forgetting how painful it had been. Everyone in Japan knew how scary nuclear weapons were when the original movie was made, but it wasn't like that by the 1980s. So in those meetings, we decided to remind all those people out there who had forgotten.