The Place of the Turkish Independence War in the American Press (1918-1923) di Bülent Bilmez: "...the occupation of western Turkey by the Greek armies under the control of the Allied Powers, the discord among them was evident and publicly known. As the Italians were against this occupation from the beginning, and started "secretly" helping the Kemalists, this conflict among the Allied Powers, and the Italian support for the Kemalists were reported regularly by the American press." (EN)
Ahmet Özdemir, Savaş esirlerinin Milli mücadeledeki yeri, Ankara University, Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, Edizione 2, Numero 6, 1990, pp. 328-332
Chester Neal Tate, Governments of the World: a Global Guide to Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities, Macmillan Reference USA/Thomson Gale, 2006, p. 205.
Western Society for French History. Meeting: Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History, New Mexico State University Press, 1996, sayfa 206.
Briton Cooper Busch: Mudros to Lausanne: Britain's Frontier in West Asia, 1918-1923, SUNY Press, 1976, ISBN 0-87395-265-0, sayfa 216.
Celâl Erikan, Rıdvan Akın: Kurtuluş Savaşı tarihi, Türkiye İş̧ Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2008, ISBN 9944884472, pag. 339. (TR)
Ciò secondo le cifre fornite da Aleksandr Myasnikyan, presidente del Consiglio dei commissari del popolo dell'Armenia sovietica, in un telegramma inviato al ministro degli esteri sovietico Georgij Čičerin nel 1921. Le cifre di Myasnikyan vennero suddivise come segue: dei circa 60.000 armeni uccisi dalle armate turche, 30.000 erano uomini, 15.000 donne, 5.000 bambini e 10.000 giovani ragazze. Dei 38.000 feriti, 20.000 erano uomini, 10.000 donne, 5.000 ragazze e 3.000 bambini. Vennero anche segnalati casi di stupro di massa, omicidio e violenza contro la popolazione armena di Kars e Alessandropoli: vedi Vahakn N. Dadrian. (2003). The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 360–361. ISBN 1-57181-666-6.
Stephen Vertigans: Islamic Roots and Resurgence in Turkey: Understanding and Explaining the Muslim Resurgence, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003, ISBN 0275980510, page 41.
Nicole Pope, Hugh Pope: Turkey Unveiled: A History of Modern Turkey, Overlook Press, 2000, ISBN 1585670960, pag. 58.
Stephen Joseph Stillwell, Anglo-Turkish relations in the interwar era, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, ISBN 0773467769, page 46.
Revue internationale d'histoire militaire - Issues 46-48, University of Michigan, 1980, page 227.
Turkish War of Independence, su, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007, 2007. URL consultato il 29 ottobre 2007 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 maggio 2008).