9 settembre, Francisco González Echeverría VI International Meeting for the History of Medicine, (S-11: Biographies in History of Medicine (I)), Barcelona. New Discoveries on the biography of Michael de Villeneuve (Michael Servetus) & New discoveries on the work of Michael De Villeneuve (Michael Servetus) VI Meeting of the International Society for the History of MedicineArchiviato il 9 agosto 2011 in Internet Archive.
Buck, 103–104; Wilson, 193–97; Roskill, "Introduction", Roskill & Hand, 11–12. Per un'analisi dettagliata del simbolismo e dell'iconografia dell'opera si veda Mark Calderwood, "The Holbein Codes". Consultato 29 novembre 2008.
9 settembre, Francisco González Echeverría VI International Meeting for the History of Medicine, (S-11: Biographies in History of Medicine (I)), Barcelona. New Discoveries on the biography of Michael de Villeneuve (Michael Servetus) & New discoveries on the work of Michael De Villeneuve (Michael Servetus) VI Meeting of the International Society for the History of MedicineArchiviato il 9 agosto 2011 in Internet Archive.