Agnes, Introduzione, pp. 9-24. (LA, IT) Storia di Roma dedicata a Marco Vinicio console, a cura di Leopoldo Agnes, in G. Velleio Patercolo e L. Anneo Floro, Le Storie; Epitome e frammenti, a cura di Leopoldo Agnes e Jolanda Giacone Deangeli, Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1969, pp. 7-297.
«Titulus in iis [libellis duo] hodie est: Historiae Romanae ad M. Vinicium cos. [libri II] nec credo hunc probum esse, aut a Velleio. An haec Historia? […] An etiam Romana tantum? mihi non videtur. […] Itaque de titulo ambigo & damnare tamen magis audeo, quam immutare» (Lipsio, c. π5). (LA) C. Velleius Paterculus, cum animadversionibus Iusti Lipsi, Lugduni Batauorum, ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1591.
«[…] the aptness of Romana has been questioned by Lipsius and Sauppe 47 on the grounds that the work, esp. its early part, contains also non-Roman material» (Woodman, p. 95). (LA, EN) The Tiberian Narrative (2.94-131), edited with an introduction and commentary by Anthony J. Woodman, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1977, ISBN0-521-21397-5.
Lipsio, p. 1 e p. 23. (LA) C. Velleius Paterculus, cum animadversionibus Iusti Lipsi, Lugduni Batauorum, ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1591.
«[…] the omission of consulem is unfortunate, since it is clearly important that the work was dedicated to M. Vinicius as consul» (Woodman, p. 95). (LA, EN) The Tiberian Narrative (2.94-131), edited with an introduction and commentary by Anthony J. Woodman, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1977, ISBN0-521-21397-5.