(EN) "One of Koubi's tricks was to walk into a hallway lined with twenty recently arrested, hooded, uncomfortable, hungry, and fearful men, all primed for interrogation, and shout commandingly, 'Okay, who wants to cooperate with me?' Even if no hands, or only one hand, went up, he would say to the hooded men, 'Okay, good. Eight of you. I'll start with you, and the others will have to wait.' Believing that others have capitulated makes doing so oneself much easier. Often, after this trick, many of the men in the hall would cooperate." Mark Bowden, The Dark Art of Interrogation, in The Atlantic, October 2003. URL consultato il 21 novembre 2009.
(EN) Richard Ramsey, Pierrepoint, su usfca.edu, Picturing Justice, 20 aprile 2006. URL consultato il 31 agosto 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 marzo 2010).