Incendio della fabbrica Triangle (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Incendio della fabbrica Triangle" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1st place
1st place
332nd place
894th place
92nd place
290th place
low place
low place
1,000th place
36th place
3,837th place
6,318th place

  • (EN) Link to History Matters Interview, su URL consultato il 24 gennaio 2024.
    «My own wages when I got to the Triangle Shirtwaist Company was a dollar and a half a week. And by the time I left during the shirtwaist workers strike in 1909 I had worked myself up to six dollars....The operators, their average wage, as I recall - because two of my sisters worked there - they averaged around six, seven dollars a week. If you were very fast - because they worked piece work - if you were very fast and nothing happened to your machine, no breakage or anything, you could make around ten dollars a week. But most of them, as I remember - and I do remember them very well - they averaged about seven dollars a week. Now the collars are the skilled men in the trade. Twelve dollars was the maximum.»

  • Perché c'è la Giornata Internazionale della donna, su Il Post, 8 marzo 2015. URL consultato il 6 marzo 2025.
    «non è vero che la Giornata Internazionale della Donna ricorda la morte di centinaia di operaie in una fabbrica di camicie – peraltro inesistente – a New York l’8 marzo 1908 (un incendio in una fabbrica in città avvenne tre anni dopo in febbraio, vi morirono 146 persone – molte operaie, ma in ogni caso la Giornata della donna non trae origine da questo evento)»