Incredulità di Tommaso (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Incredulità di Tommaso" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1,289th place
42nd place
26th place
118th place
6th place
8th place
3rd place
14th place
87th place
low place
5th place
26th place
515th place
823rd place
1st place
1st place
2,691st place
5,192nd place

  • Andrew Butterfield, Verrocchio's Christ and St Thomas: Chronology, Iconography and Political Context, in The Burlington Magazine, vol. 134, n. 1069, 1992, p. 232 e relative note, JSTOR 885119.
  • In questi termini si esprime Gurewich, p. 358, ma il medesimo dettaglio è visibile anche in una teca in avorio con scene della Passione di Cristo, risalente agli inizi del V secolo e custodita al British Museum. (FR) Vladimir Gurewich, Observations on the Iconography of the Wound in Christ's Side, with Special Reference to Its Position, in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 20, n. 3/4, Warburg Institute, luglio-dicembre 1957, pp. 358–362, JSTOR 750787.
  • Pickard, p. 413. (EN) John Pickard, The Doubting Thomas: The Bronze Group by Andrea del Verrocchio, in The American Magazine of Art, vol. 7, n. 10, agosto 1916, pp. 410–414.
  • Butterfield, pp. 228-232. (EN) Andrew Butterfield, Verrocchio's Christ and St Thomas: Chronology, Iconography and Political Context, in The Burlington Magazine, vol. 134, n. 1069, aprile 1992, pp. 225–233, JSTOR 885119.
  • Gurewich, p. 362. (FR) Vladimir Gurewich, Observations on the Iconography of the Wound in Christ's Side, with Special Reference to Its Position, in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 20, n. 3/4, Warburg Institute, luglio-dicembre 1957, pp. 358–362, JSTOR 750787.
  • Un particolare eccentrico di Rubens, discusso in Gurewich 262, e più esaustivamente da Gurewich, Vladimir, Rubens and the Wound in Christ's Side. A Postscript, in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 26, n. 3/4, The Warburg Institute, 1963, p. 358, JSTOR 50501.

  • Clifford Davidson (a cura di), Play 41, Doubting Thomas, su, pubblicato in The York Corpus Christi Plays.

  • Chester, Play 20 (TXT), su URL consultato il 24 ottobre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 febbraio 2015).