Infopoverty (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Infopoverty" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
7,146th place
3,656th place
135th place
5,878th place
low place
1,482nd place
860th place
87th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,027th place
44th place
low place
900th place

  • ESA Archiviato il 18 febbraio 2013 in Whole areas were left without either electricity or telephone. Two villages, however, Saint Ramon and San Pedro were supplied with solar energy and with satellite terminals allowing broadband connection to the Internet

  • Emmeplus Archiviato il 20 marzo 2011 in Internet Archive.: The Infopoverty Programme was started by the first Infopoverty World Conference Conference, organized by OCCAM in 2001 with the European Parliament, UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, UNIC and other scientific and universityThe Infopoverty Programme was started by the first Infopoverty World Conference Conference, organized by OCCAM in 2001 with the European Parliament, UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, UNIC and other scientific and university institutions
  • [2][collegamento interrotto]:The past editions of the Infopoverty World Conference enjoyed the participation of more than 100 international organizations, 10000 participants from Governments

  • ESA Archiviato il 18 febbraio 2013 in Whole areas were left without either electricity or telephone. Two villages, however, Saint Ramon and San Pedro were supplied with solar energy and with satellite terminals allowing broadband connection to the Internet

  • Il sole 24 ore: Connettere il mondo per dare un aiuto ai poveri e agli emarginati

  • Marketpress: Pierpaolo Saporito, Presidente di OCCAM, nominato High Level Advisor dell'alleanza globale delle Nazioni Unite per le ICT e lo sviluppo. Tale nomina, confermata con lettera del Vice Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite, Jose Antonio Ocampo, rappresenta un importante riconoscimento dell'ONU per il lavoro svolto da Occam e dal Programma Infopoverty nella lotta alla povertà attraverso le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione

  • [1] Archiviato il 25 gennaio 2012 in Internet Archive.: The Infopoverty Institute coordinates with the Observatory for Cultural and Audiovisual Communication (OCCAM) and collaborates with the international community in applying these services especially to impoverished communities around the world.

  • Quotidiano: Pierpaolo Saporito, presidente di OCCAM, fondatore insieme al Parlamento Europeo e le Nazioni Unite di Infopoverty

  • Regione Lombardia[collegamento interrotto]:..."Infopoverty World Conference 2011". In collegamento diretto anche..., il Lesotho e il Perù, dove sono in corso progetti realizzati nell'ambito dell'Infopoverty Programme

  • [1] Archiviato il 25 gennaio 2012 in Internet Archive.: The Infopoverty Institute coordinates with the Observatory for Cultural and Audiovisual Communication (OCCAM) and collaborates with the international community in applying these services especially to impoverished communities around the world.
  • Emmeplus Archiviato il 20 marzo 2011 in Internet Archive.: The Infopoverty Programme was started by the first Infopoverty World Conference Conference, organized by OCCAM in 2001 with the European Parliament, UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, UNIC and other scientific and universityThe Infopoverty Programme was started by the first Infopoverty World Conference Conference, organized by OCCAM in 2001 with the European Parliament, UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, UNIC and other scientific and university institutions
  • Infopoverty Programme - Mission Archiviato il 26 marzo 2012 in Internet Archive.
  • Crystalweb Archiviato il 2 giugno 2013 in Internet Archive.: Infopoverty Programme al summit mondiale sulla società dell'informazione