(EN) "By 1900, over 75% of the repeating sporting arms on the United States market, both lever and pump, were of John's invention." Browning Firearms CollectionArchiviato il 20 novembre 2012 in Internet Archive. brochure from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(EN) Doug Pelley, Pictures of Headstones: John M. Browning, su dapcom.com, luglio 2004. URL consultato il 23 gennaio 2007 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 febbraio 2007).
(EN) "By 1900, over 75% of the repeating sporting arms on the United States market, both lever and pump, were of John's invention." Browning Firearms CollectionArchiviato il 20 novembre 2012 in Internet Archive. brochure from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers