José Cecilio del Valle (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "José Cecilio del Valle" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
6,304th place
low place
1,190th place
1,451st place

  • Laura Geggel, Oddball Philosopher Had His Mummified Body Put on Display … and Now His Rings Are Missing, in Live Science, 11 settembre 2018. URL consultato il 26 marzo 2019.
    «"We can safely assume that [Guatemalan philosopher and politician] José del Valle received one, as he is featured wearing it in a portrait," Causer said. "Interestingly, on the bookshelf of that portrait is one of Bentham’s works, as well as a Spanish translation of Say’s 'Traité d’économie politique.' It’s a neat, tangible link between Bentham, Say and del Valle."»

  • (ES) Darío, Rubén, La Literatura en Centro-América, in Revista de artes y letras, XI, Santiago, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, 1887, p. 591, MC0060418. URL consultato il 25 marzo 2019.
    «En Guatemala había aparecido Valle, un hombre de vastas concepciones, amigo de Jeremías Bentham, con quien se carteaba muy á menudo y quien le envió poco antes de morir un mechón de sus cabellos y un anillo de oro, brillante como el estilo de José Cecilio.»