Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict., Random House 2011 p. 295: In all Israeli troops killed about five hundred Palestinian civilians during and after the conquest of the Strip. About two hundred of these were killed in the course of massacres in Khan Yunis (on 3 November) and in Rafa (on 12 November).
Abu-Khalaf, Marwan. Khan Younis City. URL consultato il 27 dicembre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 1º febbraio 2008).. El-Agha. July 2002.
Karmon, 1960, p. 173 (PDF) (archiviato dall'url originale il 22 dicembre 2019).
UNRWA Report to the UN General Assembly November 1 – December 14, 1956 (archiviato dall'url originale il 29 giugno 2013)..: "The town of Khan Yunis and the Agency's camp adjacent thereto were occupied by Israel troops on the morning of 3 November. A large number of civilians were killed at that time, but there is some conflict in the accounts given as to the causes of the casualties. The Israel authorities state that there was resistance to their occupation and that the Palestinian refugees formed part of the resistance. On the other hand, the refugees state that all resistance had ceased at the time of the incident and that many unarmed civilians were killed as the Israel troops went through the town and camp, seeking men in possession of arms. The exact number of dead and wounded is not known, but the Director has received from sources he considers trustworthy lists of names of persons allegedly killed on 3 November, numbering 275 individuals, of whom 140 were refugees and 135 local residents of Khan Yunis."
A/3212/Add.1 of 15 December 1956, in 15 December 1956, United Nations. URL consultato il 24 agosto 2013 (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 novembre 2013).