(EN) Gabrielle Kristjanson, "Predatory Realms: To Admire and Desire the Child in Portal Fantasy", in Deborah Christie, Sarah Lauro, Peter Mario Kreuter, Ken Monteith, Cristina Santos e Leah Richards (a cura di), Monsters and the Monstrous, vol. 3, n. 1, Simon Bacon, Summer 2013, pp. 53-64, ISSN 1756-770X (WC · ACNP).
(EN) Gabrielle Kristjanson, "Predatory Realms: To Admire and Desire the Child in Portal Fantasy", in Deborah Christie, Sarah Lauro, Peter Mario Kreuter, Ken Monteith, Cristina Santos e Leah Richards (a cura di), Monsters and the Monstrous, vol. 3, n. 1, Simon Bacon, Summer 2013, pp. 53-64, ISSN 1756-770X (WC · ACNP).