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Conekin. (EN) Becky E. Conekin, Lee Miller: Model, Photographer, and War Correspondent in Vogue, 1927-1953, in Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, vol. 10, n. 1/2, London, Berg, marzo 2006, pp. 97 segg., ISSN 1751-7419 (WC · ACNP), OCLC822202811.
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Portraits. (EN) Lee Miller: Portraits, su, National Portrait Gallery. URL consultato il 13 novembre 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 2 agosto 2018).
Carr. (EN) Jason Carr, Six Pictures of Lee Miller, su, Jason Carr. URL consultato il 18 novembre 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 18 maggio 2006).
Rubin. (FR) William Rubin (a cura di), Picasso et le portrait, textes de Anne Baldassari et al., Paris, Reunion des musees nationaux ; Flammarion, 1996, ISBN2-7118-3489-1, OCLC36015805, SBNPUV0282415.
Conekin. (EN) Becky E. Conekin, Lee Miller: Model, Photographer, and War Correspondent in Vogue, 1927-1953, in Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, vol. 10, n. 1/2, London, Berg, marzo 2006, pp. 97 segg., ISSN 1751-7419 (WC · ACNP), OCLC822202811.
Bizimana. (FR) A.-J. Bizimana, 60e anniversaire de la libération d'Auschwitz - Comment la presse a découvert l'Holocauste, in Le Devoir (Montréal), Montréal, s.n., 27 gennaio 2005, ISSN 0319-0722 (WC · ACNP), OCLC299333149.
A. Penrose, 2007. (EN) Antony Penrose, Echoes from St. Malo (Serie: Traces of Lee Miller), original digital media by Mary Agnes Krell, Chiddingly, Hand Productions, Sussex University, Lee Miller Archives(?), 2007, OCLC170033231.