CETS 148, su conventions.coe.int. URL consultato il 18 gennaio 2011.
Dalla Relazione del Comitato (Consiglio d'Europa) del 30 maggio 2011, paragrafo 144 pubblicato sul sito internet del Comitato482Archiviato il 7 luglio 2020 in Internet Archive.: "144. With regard to Friulian, it has been reported that, despite the agreement concluded between the region and RAI in this connection, the resources needed to implement it have still not been made available by the central government. This has resulted in considerable delays in implementing the guarantees laid down in the legislation on radio and television broadcasting in this language. The Advisory Committee welcomes the fact that the region has used special subsidies to support radio and television broadcasts in Friulian by RAI/private broadcasters. It nevertheless notes that, for television in particular, these are irregular broadcasts at off-peak times. Greater central- government support for the Friulian print media is also expected...)".
Dalla Relazione del Comitato (Consiglio d'Europa) del 30 maggio 2011, paragrafo 144 pubblicato sul sito internet del Comitato482Archiviato il 7 luglio 2020 in Internet Archive.: "144. With regard to Friulian, it has been reported that, despite the agreement concluded between the region and RAI in this connection, the resources needed to implement it have still not been made available by the central government. This has resulted in considerable delays in implementing the guarantees laid down in the legislation on radio and television broadcasting in this language. The Advisory Committee welcomes the fact that the region has used special subsidies to support radio and television broadcasts in Friulian by RAI/private broadcasters. It nevertheless notes that, for television in particular, these are irregular broadcasts at off-peak times. Greater central- government support for the Friulian print media is also expected...)".