Grand Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mufti al-Shia Moosavi ExpiresArchiviato il 2 febbraio 2014 in Internet Archive., His grandfather’s name was Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayed Murtaza Khalkhali Ardabili. He too was one of the venerable Maraje Uzzam. On his return from Najaf-i-Ashraf, he laid the foundation of great Hawza-i-ʿIlmia in Ardabil, which produced several Ulmas. Students, not only from Iran, but also from various other countries like Badkoba, Sherwan, Siliyan, Ierwan, Nakhchwan, Lankran, and Aazarbaijan came to this Hawza to seek knowledge. He was the pupil of Sahib-i-Karamaat and Sheikh Ansari (R.A). He left this world on 1317 A.H.
Ayatullah al-ʿUẓmā al-Sayyed Muhammad Taqi Mufti al-Shi'a Ardbabili was his (Grand Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mufti al-Shi'a MusaviArchiviato il 2 febbraio 2014 in Internet Archive.) father who died in 1361 A.H. He was considered one of much followed theologians. He was also leader of his city. His Risala-i-Amalia (journal) was published on 18th of Dhu l-Hijja 1336 A.H under the title of “Shajarat al-Taqwa”. The second journal “Zakhirat al-Uqba” was published in 1344 A.H. he had been the pupil of Akhund Khurasani, Syed Kazim Yazdi, and Syed Muhammad Isfahani Fasharki
The Place of al-Mufid in the Development of Shi'i Kalam and Fiqh, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khameneʾi, al-Tawḥīd, vol x, Nos. 2 and 3, Translated from the Persian by Ali Quli Qarai. Its two well-known representatives are al-Hasan ibn 'Ali ibn Abi ʿAqīl al-ʿUmānī ...... As to al-ʿUmānī, this tendency is not ascribed to him. ....... al-Mufīd find a valid framework for the practice of fiqh, which was a first step, to which al-ʿUmānī's work must be considered a prelude.
Lubb al-Lubab (The Kernels of Kernels): A Short Treatise on WayfaringArchiviato il 9 febbraio 2008 in Internet Archive., The Straight Path is one which Combines the Exoteric and the Esoteric, Among them was the divine gnostic Aqa Sayyid Ahmad Tehrani Karbala'i and his disciple, the pride of the legists and the pearl of the gnostics, Hajj Mirza `Ali Aqa Qadi, may God elevate their noble stations.
Ayatullah Shaykh Isfahani, He studied fiqh and philosophy under Akhund Mulla Muhammad Kashi and tafsir under Haj Sayyid Muhammad Fishariki and Hajj Sayyid Murtaza Kashmiri.
HIS SCHOOL AND KNOWLEDGEArchiviato il 30 settembre 2012 in Internet Archive., Shaykh al-Tusi writes, "The followers of our school of thought have agreed on the probity and trustworthiness of six fuqahāʾ, who were taught and educated by al-Kāẓim and al-Riḍā (a.s.). They were: Yunus b. 'Abd al-Rahman, Safwan b. Yahya, Bayya' al-Sabiri, Muhammad b. Abi ʿUmayr, Abd Allah b. al-Mughira, al-Ḥasan b. Maḥbūb al-Rad and Ahmad b. Muhammad bin Abī Naṣr."[34]
Husein Ibn-e Sa'īd Ahwāzī, Husein Ibn-e Sa'īd Ahwāzī. Abū Muhammad, Husein son of Sa'īd son of Hamād son of Mehrān Ahwāzī, a great Shi'a scholar, was born in Kūfah the city of great ...
HIS SCHOOL AND KNOWLEDGEArchiviato il 30 settembre 2012 in Internet Archive., Shaykh al-Tusi writes, "The followers of our school of thought have agreed on the probity and trustworthiness of six fuqahāʾ, who were taught and educated by al-Kāẓim and al-Riḍā (a.s.). They were: Yunus b. 'Abd al-Rahman, Safwan b. Yahya, Bayya' al-Sabiri, Muhammad b. Abi ʿUmayr, Abd Allah b. al-Mughira, al-Ḥasan b. Maḥbūb al-Rad and Ahmad b. Muhammad bin Abī Naṣr."[34]
The Thirteenth H. Century Scholars, su URL consultato il 27 gennaio 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 20 maggio 2015).
Grand Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mufti al-Shia Moosavi ExpiresArchiviato il 2 febbraio 2014 in Internet Archive., His grandfather’s name was Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayed Murtaza Khalkhali Ardabili. He too was one of the venerable Maraje Uzzam. On his return from Najaf-i-Ashraf, he laid the foundation of great Hawza-i-ʿIlmia in Ardabil, which produced several Ulmas. Students, not only from Iran, but also from various other countries like Badkoba, Sherwan, Siliyan, Ierwan, Nakhchwan, Lankran, and Aazarbaijan came to this Hawza to seek knowledge. He was the pupil of Sahib-i-Karamaat and Sheikh Ansari (R.A). He left this world on 1317 A.H.
Lubb al-Lubab (The Kernels of Kernels): A Short Treatise on WayfaringArchiviato il 9 febbraio 2008 in Internet Archive., The Straight Path is one which Combines the Exoteric and the Esoteric, Among them was the divine gnostic Aqa Sayyid Ahmad Tehrani Karbala'i and his disciple, the pride of the legists and the pearl of the gnostics, Hajj Mirza `Ali Aqa Qadi, may God elevate their noble stations.
Ayatullah al-ʿUẓmā al-Sayyed Muhammad Taqi Mufti al-Shi'a Ardbabili was his (Grand Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Mufti al-Shi'a MusaviArchiviato il 2 febbraio 2014 in Internet Archive.) father who died in 1361 A.H. He was considered one of much followed theologians. He was also leader of his city. His Risala-i-Amalia (journal) was published on 18th of Dhu l-Hijja 1336 A.H under the title of “Shajarat al-Taqwa”. The second journal “Zakhirat al-Uqba” was published in 1344 A.H. he had been the pupil of Akhund Khurasani, Syed Kazim Yazdi, and Syed Muhammad Isfahani Fasharki
Copia archiviata, su URL consultato il 29 gennaio 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 giugno 2010).