Р. П. Шляхтич, ОУН в 1941 році: документи: В 2-х частинах Ін-т історії України НАН України (OUN in 1941: Documents in 2 volumes). Institute of History of Ukraine. Kiev: Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2006, pp. 426–427. ISBN 966-02-2535-0. Abstract, with links to PDF files.Archiviato l'8 dicembre 2015 in Internet Archive.
USHMM, Lwów, in Holocaust Encyclopedia, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. URL consultato il 14 luglio 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 7 marzo 2012).
Symposium Presentations, The Holocaust and [German] Colonialism in Ukraine: A Case Study (PDF), su ushmm.org, The Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, settembre 2005, pp. 15, 18–19, 20. URL consultato il 7 dicembre 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 16 agosto 2012).
PWL, Mord w Czarnym Lesie (Murder in the Black Forest), su pwl1943.republika.pl, PWL-Społeczna organizacja kresowa. URL consultato il 14 luglio 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 novembre 2014).
Р. П. Шляхтич, ОУН в 1941 році: документи: В 2-х частинах Ін-т історії України НАН України (OUN in 1941: Documents in 2 volumes). Institute of History of Ukraine. Kiev: Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2006, pp. 426–427. ISBN 966-02-2535-0. Abstract, with links to PDF files.Archiviato l'8 dicembre 2015 in Internet Archive.