Monomito (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Monomito" in Italian language version.

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3,220th place
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799th place
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4,963rd place
325th place
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267th place
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504th place
216th place
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low place
456th place
848th place
310th place
608th place
low place
low place

  • Mabel Dodge Luhan, Foreword, in Edge of Taos Desert: An Escape to Reality, Foreword by John Collier, 1987 [1937], p. viii.
    «The myth is obviously related to what one might call the monomyth of paradise regained that has been articulated and transformed in a variety of ways since the early European explorations.»
  • Steven Ashe, Qabalah of 50 Gates, 2008, p. 21.
    «those aspects of legend that are symbolically equivalent within the folk lore of different cultures»
  • Andrew Gordon, 'Star Wars: A Myth for Our Time', Literature/Film Quarterly 6.4 (Fall 1978): 314–26. Matthew Kapell, John Shelton Lawrence, Finding the Force of the Star Wars Franchise: Fans, Merchandise, & Critics, Peter Lang (2006), p. 5.
  • Henry Hart, Seamus Heaney, Poet of Contrary Progressions, Syracuse University Press (1993), p. 165.

  • Simple search Archiviato il 15 giugno 2016 in Internet Archive., Stephen King's "The Dark Tower": a modern myth University essay from Luleå tekniska universitet/Språk och kultur Author: Henrik Fåhraeus; [2008].

  • Lévi-Strauss gave the term "mytheme" wide circulation from the 1960s, in 1955 he used "gross constituent unit", in Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Structural study of myth, in Journal of American Folklore, vol. 68, n. 270, 1955, pp. 428–444, DOI:10.2307/536768, ISSN 0021-8715 (WC · ACNP). reprinted as "The structural study of myth", Structural Anthropology, 1963:206-31; "the true constituent units of a myth are not the isolated relations but bundles of such relations" (Lévi-Strauss 1963:211). The term mytheme first appears in Lévi-Strauss' 1958 French version of the work.

  • David Brin, "Star Wars" despots vs. "Star Trek" populists, su Salon, 16 giugno 1999.
    «By offering valuable insights into this revered storytelling tradition, Joseph Campbell did indeed shed light on common spiritual traits that seem shared by all human beings. And I'll be the first to admit it's a superb formula — one that I've used at times in my own stories and novels. [...] It is essential to understand the radical departure taken by genuine science fiction, which comes from a diametrically opposite literary tradition — a new kind of storytelling that often rebels against those very same archetypes Campbell venerated. An upstart belief in progress, egalitarianism, positive-sum games — and the slim but real possibility of decent human institutions.»

  • Lévi-Strauss gave the term "mytheme" wide circulation from the 1960s, in 1955 he used "gross constituent unit", in Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Structural study of myth, in Journal of American Folklore, vol. 68, n. 270, 1955, pp. 428–444, DOI:10.2307/536768, ISSN 0021-8715 (WC · ACNP). reprinted as "The structural study of myth", Structural Anthropology, 1963:206-31; "the true constituent units of a myth are not the isolated relations but bundles of such relations" (Lévi-Strauss 1963:211). The term mytheme first appears in Lévi-Strauss' 1958 French version of the work.

  • Office of Resources for International and Area Studies, Monomyth Home, su History Through Literature Project, University of California, Berkeley. URL consultato il 3 novembre 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 18 gennaio 2010).
  • Joseph Campbell e Henry Morton Robinson, A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, 1944. URL consultato il 19 dicembre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale l'11 luglio 2017).
  • Star Wars Mythology Resources, su Star Wars in the Classroom, EDventure Quest Learning LLC. URL consultato il 26 ottobre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 25 ottobre 2016).
  • The Writer's Journey Archiviato il 12 giugno 2017 in Internet Archive. accessed 2011-03-26
  • Star Wars @ NASM, Unit 1, Introduction, su National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 22 novembre 1997. URL consultato il 22 dicembre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 30 giugno 2013).
  • Simple search Archiviato il 15 giugno 2016 in Internet Archive., Stephen King's "The Dark Tower": a modern myth University essay from Luleå tekniska universitet/Språk och kultur Author: Henrik Fåhraeus; [2008].