Clyde S Kilby e Dick Plotz, Many Meetings with Tolkien: An Edited Transcript of Remarks at the December 1966 TSA Meeting, in Niekas, New Hampshire, Niekas Publications, 1968, pp. 39–40. Di cui da another publication of the Niekas editor.
Clyde S Kilby e Dick Plotz, Many Meetings with Tolkien: An Edited Transcript of Remarks at the December 1966 TSA Meeting, in Niekas, New Hampshire, Niekas Publications, 1968, pp. 39–40. Di cui da another publication of the Niekas editor.
(EN) Doom Mons, su Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. URL consultato il 3 novembre 2019.
National Geographic Society, Il "vero" Monte Fato e la galassia solitaria, su National Geographic. URL consultato il 31 ottobre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 31 ottobre 2019).