R. J. Sanders, I. Sarraj, P. C. Schmidtke e A. Udalski, Photometric Analysis of Variable Stars in NGC 299, in Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, vol. 6054, aprile 2013, p. 1, Bibcode:2013IBVS.6054....1S, arXiv:1302.6943.
E. Sabbi, A. Nota, M. Sirianni, L. R. Carlson, M. Tosi, J. Gallagher, M. Meixner, M. S. Oey, A. Pasquali, L. J. Smith, M. Vlajic e L. Hawks, Star formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud: the youngest star clusters, in B. G. Elmegreen e J. Palous (a cura di), IAU Symposium #237, held 14–18 August 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2: Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 199-203, Bibcode:2007IAUS..237..199S, DOI:10.1017/S1743921307001469.
E. Sabbi, A. Nota, M. Sirianni, L. R. Carlson, M. Tosi, J. Gallagher, M. Meixner, M. S. Oey, A. Pasquali, L. J. Smith, M. Vlajic e L. Hawks, Star formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud: the youngest star clusters, in B. G. Elmegreen e J. Palous (a cura di), IAU Symposium #237, held 14–18 August 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2: Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 199-203, Bibcode:2007IAUS..237..199S, DOI:10.1017/S1743921307001469.
R. J. Sanders, I. Sarraj, P. C. Schmidtke e A. Udalski, Photometric Analysis of Variable Stars in NGC 299, in Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, vol. 6054, aprile 2013, p. 1, Bibcode:2013IBVS.6054....1S, arXiv:1302.6943.