PC Master Race (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "PC Master Race" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1,082nd place
1,108th place
1st place
1st place
428th place
953rd place
1,108th place
2,343rd place
4,667th place
8,964th place
53rd place
92nd place
low place
low place
401st place
868th place
134th place
454th place
low place
low place
140th place
340th place
low place
low place
86th place
277th place
4,830th place
6,298th place
1,748th place
3,510th place
low place
low place
23rd place
88th place
54th place
97th place






  • (EN) Paul Tassi, MOBAs Drive PC Gaming to Surpass Consoles Globally, su forbes.com, 26 aprile 2014. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017.
    «There's an eternal war being waged between PC enthusiasts and console gamers as to which platform is better, and the so-called 'PC master race' might have just gotten a little bit more ammunition»


  • (EN) Evan Wilbrecht, Ascend A Friend, su geforce.com, 11 settembre 2015. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017.



  • (EN) terrycrews, su instagram.com. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017.


  • (EN) Luke Plunkett, The Rise of the Glorious Master Race of PC Gamers, su kotaku.com, 25 Novembre 2012. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017.
    «Sometimes used as with pride, sometimes used with derision, the term 'master race' has become a common one to describe those PC gamers who love to Lord it over the plebs, revelling in their glowing hardware and hi-res textures»



  • (EN) Nick Scibetta, GameCrate's Senior Editor Nick Scibetta Disapproves of the Label "PC Master Race, su linustechtips.com, 17 luglio 2014.
    «... the "PC Master Race" thing is a meme ... really sick and tired of the "Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" garbage... single quick line in a single video could have exploded ... use of the phrase "Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" is ubiquitous...term "master race" offensive"»



  • (EN) Julian Arenzon, Steam Summer Sale 2013 one of the year's biggest events for PC gamers, su nydailynews.com, 18 luglio 2013. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017.
    «Therein lies a major difference between the console gamer ... and the PC gamer, which is jokingly and somewhat offensively called "the glorious PC master race" through gaming memes online»






  • (EN) Ben Croshaw, The Witcher, su escapistmagazine.com, 23 gennaio 2008. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale l'11 novembre 2013).
    «... Those dirty console playing peasants don't ruin it for the glorious PC gaming master race...»
  • (EN) Ben Croshaw, The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race, su escapistmagazine.com, 28 maggio 2013. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 settembre 2014).
    «It was intended to be ironic, to illustrate what I perceived at the time to be an elitist attitude among a certain kind of PC gamer»
  • (EN) Steven Bogos, Alienware Tempts Gamers to Master Race with $200 Console Trade-Ins, su escapistmagazine.com, 25 ottobre 2013. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 settembre 2014).
  • (EN) Ben Croshaw, On the PC Master Race and the Language Police, su escapistmagazine.com, 20 gennaio 2015. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale il 9 maggio 2017).
    «Because the Nazis were dicks, and they don't deserve to have power over our language anymore. If some millennial can honestly use the term 'PC Master Race' for years without even knowing that it's a Nazi reference, then I'd chalk that up as a win»
  • (EN) Georgiana Young, TechRaptor Staff Respond to Critics of the Term "PC Master Race", su techraptor.net, 14 gennaio 2015. URL consultato l'8 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale l'8 aprile 2017).