Martin G, Sorenson C and Faunce TA. Balancing intellectual monopoly privileges and the need for essential medicines Globalization and Health 2007, 3:4doi:10.1186/1744-8603-3-4. "Balancing the need to protect the intellectual property rights (IPRs) ("which the third author considers are more accurately described as intellectual monopoly privileges (IMPs)) of pharmaceutical companies, with the need to ensure access to essential medicines in developing countries is one of the most pressing challenges facing international policy makers today.")
Per esempio, AstraZeneca possiede un marchio registrato per il colore fucsia usato per le capsule delle pillole. AstraZeneca, Nexium: LegalArchiviato il 22 dicembre 2010 in Internet Archive.. Accessed 2008.12.18.
Per esempio, AstraZeneca possiede un marchio registrato per il colore fucsia usato per le capsule delle pillole. AstraZeneca, Nexium: LegalArchiviato il 22 dicembre 2010 in Internet Archive.. Accessed 2008.12.18.