Qieyang Shijie (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Qieyang Shijie" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
low place
low place
71st place
2,177th place


  • in cinese: 切阳什姐; pinyin: Qièyáng Shíjiě; tibetano: ཆོས་དབྱིངས་སྐྱིད་, Wylie: chos dbyings skyid, ZYPY: Qoiying Gyi, dialetto di Lhasa: [tɕʰǿjiŋ cîʔ], Amdo Tibetan language: [tɕʰeɣjaŋ ʂcəl]. (EN) Tibetans take to the Track in Rio, su freetibet.org, 17 agosto 2016. URL consultato il 3 luglio 2020.
