The Vertebrates of British Columbia (PDF), su, 2005. URL consultato il 5 ottobre 2008 (archiviato dall'url originale il 25 luglio 2008).
H. Shirihai e B. Jarrett, Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World, Princeton Field Guides, 2006, pp. 205-207, ISBN0-691-12757-3, OCLC73174536.
H. Shirihai e B. Jarrett, Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World, Princeton Field Guides, 2006, pp. 207-208, ISBN0-691-12757-3, OCLC73174536.
H. Shirihai e B. Jarrett, Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World, Princeton Field Guides, 2006, pp. 202-205, ISBN0-691-12757-3, OCLC73174536.
H. Shirihai e B. Jarrett, Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World, Princeton Field Guides, 2006, pp. 209-211, ISBN0-691-12757-3, OCLC73174536.