M.Holman, JJ Kavelaars, B.Gladman, T.Grav, W.Fraser, D.Milisavljevic, P.Nicholson, J.Burns, V.Carruba, J-M.Petit, P.Rousselot, O.Mousis, B.Marsden, R.Jacobson, Discovery of five irregular moons of Neptune, Nature, 430 (2004), pp. 865-867 (Final preprint (pdf))
David Nesvorný, Jose L. A. Alvarellos, Luke Dones, and Harold F. Levison
Orbital and Collisional Evolution of the Irregular Satellites, The Astronomical Journal,126 (2003), pages 398-429. [1]Archiviato il 15 aprile 2020 in Internet Archive.
David Nesvorný, Jose L. A. Alvarellos, Luke Dones, and Harold F. Levison
Orbital and Collisional Evolution of the Irregular Satellites, The Astronomical Journal,126 (2003), pages 398-429. [1]Archiviato il 15 aprile 2020 in Internet Archive.