John Pollini, The Warren Cup: homoerotic love and symposial rhetoric in silver, in The Art Bulletin, March 1999, nota 6: «I have derived the word pedicate from the Latin paedicare or pedicare, meaning "to penetrate anally"» [1]Archiviato il 24 settembre 2015 in Internet Archive.
Sir Richard Francis Burton, Section D: Pederasty, su "Terminal Essay", from his translation of The Arabian Nights, 1885. URL consultato il 22 aprile 2013 (archiviato dall'url originale il 24 agosto 2014).
John Pollini, The Warren Cup: homoerotic love and symposial rhetoric in silver, in The Art Bulletin, March 1999, nota 6: «I have derived the word pedicate from the Latin paedicare or pedicare, meaning "to penetrate anally"» [1]Archiviato il 24 settembre 2015 in Internet Archive.