Stella di Betlemme (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Stella di Betlemme" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1,289th place
42nd place
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5,089th place
1,766th place
1,154th place
low place
low place
2,548th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,151st place
215th place
4th place
low place
4,140th place
1,594th place
61st place
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low place
7,805th place
271st place
14th place
11th place
3,502nd place
2,001st place
low place
3,777th place
low place
2,532nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
5,054th place
187th place

  • No Babylonian interpretation of this particular conjunction is extant—surely because of the great rarity of the event—but we know that interpretations of planetary conjunctions were based on an analysis of the astrological significance of the planets and the accompanying circumstances, particularly the zodiacal sign in which the conjunction took place. The fact that Mars, the star of Nergal, the god of war, e joined the conjunction in its final phase signified that the new king was to come from the West, specifically, from Syria-Palestine, for Mars was the star of Amurru or the West (Syria-Palestine) in the Babylonian system. The prediction of such a king would have held wide interest in 7 B.C.E., when a power vacuum of sorts prevailed in the Near East. The Seleucid empire created by the successors of Alexander the Great had collapsed in 64 B.C.E., and its remnants, which included Judea, had been annexed to Rome as a province named Syria. The power of Rome had not yet been consolidated in the area, however. Even after Augustus changed Rome into an autocratic monarchy in 27 B.C.E., his authority was questioned in the East, for the Roman emperor, unlike the Seleucid kings and their predecessors, did not derive his authority from God. For this reason, many people considered Roman rule illegitimate and hoped that a local Near Eastern king appointed by God would drive the Romans out of the country and create a better world. These messianic expectations are recorded by Josephus and reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The conjunction of 7 B.C.E. would have been interpreted as a portent of the birth of precisely this kind of king. The political vistas opened by it would not have escaped the attention of any Babylonian astrologer; Parpola 2001 Bringing the Ancient World to Life - Biblical Archaeology Society

  • Non si dimentichi a questo proposito l'influenza della profezia messianica di una "grande luce" in Is 9,1-6, su
  • Mt 2,1-12.16, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Es 14,19, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Es 23,20, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Es 32,34, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Es 33,2, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Luca 2,7, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Nu22-24, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Nu22-24, su
  • Is 60,1-6, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • De 18,10-12, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Lu 2,8-11, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Mt 2,12, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.
  • Gen 49,9, su La Parola - La Sacra Bibbia in italiano in Internet.