Tang Jingsong (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Tang Jingsong" in Italian language version.

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6th place
8th place
3,051st place
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8,380th place
7,464th place
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low place
1st place
1st place



  • (布政使司T, bùzhèngshǐsīP), abbreviazione di 承宣布政使司T, chéngxuānbùzhèngshǐsīP che significa testualmente "Ufficio (司) del Commissario (使) incaricato (承) della promulgazione (宣) [degli ordini imperiali] e della diffusione (布) delle politiche dello Stato (政). Bùzhèngshǐsī può anche essere tradotto come "Vice-Governatore" nel senso che dipendeva solo dal Governatore (e dal Governatore Generale, quando c'era). V. Buzhengshi 布政使, provincial administration commissioner.





  • Wong, 1972, pp. 83-84. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, p.84. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, p.85. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp.85-86. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Tang, pp. 72-75. Liu Yongfu aveva dettato le sue memorie molto tempo dopo il fatto, mentre Tang Jingsong scriveva gli eventi quasi quotidianamente. Il suo resoconto è quindi probabilmente più accurato, anche se ha esagerato la sua importanza qua e là. Inoltre, Liu era stato in conflitto con Tang a Taiwan a metà degli anni 1890 e tendeva a ritrarre Tang in cattiva luce (v. Wong, 1972, p. 183, n.76) (ZH) Tang Jingsong (...), [Mémoires d'un volontaire], in Shao Hsun-cheng et al., vol. 2, 1957. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp. 86-91, 97. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp.100-101, 104. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp.91-96, etc. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp. 104-105. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, pp.106-107. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1871, pp. 107-108. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1871, p. 109. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, p. 115. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, p.119. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.
  • Wong, 1972, p.121. (EN) Wong Chi Keung, The Black Flags: A Study of their Emergence and their confrontation with the French in Tonkin, 1865-1885 (PDF)[collegamento interrotto], Thesis, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong, ottobre 1972.

