Hardy, Robin, RM-051.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object) (MP3), su ruemorgueradio.com, Rue Morgue Radio. URL consultato il 12 aprile 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 20 maggio 2013).
«Well, it is very ambiguous. We don't really know who he is. He's an antecedent, of some kind, of Lachlan's. Lachlan remembers him, when he was a boy. There's a boy painting a bridge, and it may have been Lachlan as a young person. He's remembering this grandfather figure, or this great-grandfather figure – whatever – who the people who are fans of The Wicker Man and the wicker [inaudible], if you like, will of course immediately recognise as Summerisle. But we don't give him a name or anything. I think in the credits he's just called the old man.»