Zero Wing (Italian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Zero Wing" in Italian language version.

Global rank Italian rank
1st place
1st place
9,973rd place
low place

  • (EN) Toaplan Game Music – Composer Interview Collection, su
    «Tatsuya Uemura: Zero Wing originally started as a project to train new recruits at Toaplan. Other than development chief Toshiaki Ohta at the helm, the entire team was made of new hires. However, at some point, the Tatsujin and Hellfire teams got mixed up in Zero Wing, and the project became a “battle royale” between old and new.»

  • (EN) Masahiro Yuge – Toaplan interview, su URL consultato il 6 dicembre 2016 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 settembre 2019).
  • (EN) Tatsuya Uemura – Toaplan Interview, su URL consultato il 6 dicembre 2016 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 settembre 2019).
    «Zero Wing was based on the Hellfire engine and was made by new recruits as part of their training, but we stopped doing horis after that.»