O'Connor, Mike (August 28, 1998). “Re: Ron's Journal 67” (TXT). alt.religion.scientology. David Touretzky. 2008年12月3日閲覧。 (testimony under oath by Warren McShane of the Church of Scientology in RTC v. FactNet, Civil Action No. 95B2143, United States Courthouse, Denver, Colorado, September 11, 1995)
Urban, Hugh B. (June 2006). “Fair Game: Secrecy, Security, and the Church of Scientology in Cold War America”. Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Oxford University Press) 74 (2): 356-389. doi:10.1093/jaarel/lfj084. ISSN1477-4585.
The Court of Justice at The Hague (September 4, 2003). “LJN: AI5638, Gerechtshof 's-Gravenhage , 99/1040” (Dutch). de Rechtspraak (zoeken.rechtspraak.nl): p. Section 8.4. http://zoeken.rechtspraak.nl/resultpage.aspx?snelzoeken=true&searchtype=ljn&ljn=AI5638&u_ljn=AI56382008年12月1日閲覧. "Uit de hiervoor onder 8.3 vermelde teksten blijkt dat Scientology c.s. met hun leer en organisatie de verwerping van democratische waarden niet schuwen. Uit die teksten volgt tevens dat met de geheimhouding van OT II en OT III mede wordt beoogd macht uit te oefenen over leden van de Scientology-organisatie en discussie over de leer en praktijken van de Scientology-organisatie te verhinderen."
“Scientology and Other Practices”. Church of Scientology of Michigan (2007年). 2009年2月2日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年12月3日閲覧。 “Scientology does not conflict with other religions or other religious practices.”
“Scientology and Other Practices”. Church of Scientology of Michigan (2007年). 2009年2月2日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年12月3日閲覧。 “Scientology does not conflict with other religions or other religious practices.”
Urban, Hugh B. (June 2006). “Fair Game: Secrecy, Security, and the Church of Scientology in Cold War America”. Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Oxford University Press) 74 (2): 356-389. doi:10.1093/jaarel/lfj084. ISSN1477-4585.