Ishibashi(1981) Ishibashi, K. (1981): Specification of a soon-to-occur seismic faulting in the Tokai district, central Japan, based upon seismotectonics. Earthquake Prediction-An international review, Maurice Ewing Series 4 (AGU), 297-332.doi:10.1029/ME004p0297
大森房吉著『露国軍艦「ディアナ」号遭難記事』(『日本地震史料』p.224.)では、「9時45分に突然艦体が振動すること甚しく、約1分間続き」としている。Captain Sherard Osborn著の『A Cruise in Japanese Waters』では「At a quarter past nine, without any previous indication, the shock of an earthquake, which lasted two or three minutes, causing the vessel to shake very much, was felt both on deck and in the cabin.」と記されている。(『日本地震史料』pp.320-323.)
Ishibashi(1981) Ishibashi, K. (1981): Specification of a soon-to-occur seismic faulting in the Tokai district, central Japan, based upon seismotectonics. Earthquake Prediction-An international review, Maurice Ewing Series 4 (AGU), 297-332.doi:10.1029/ME004p0297