Mr David Poon, Director of Communications and Public Affair (2007年10月31日). “PolyU to honour five distinguished personalities at 13th Congregation” (英語). Home > Media Releases > Archive. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). 2021年8月24日閲覧。 “Prof. Ryoji Noyori won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2001, together with Prof. William S. Knowles and Prof. K. Barry Sharpless, for their work on asymmetric synthesis of organic compounds. Their pioneering research has subsequently led to the development and industrial production of important new drugs such as cure for Parkinson’s disease. He is currently President of RIKEN, a Japanese national natural sciences research institute with nearly 3,000 scientists, and Chairman of the country’s Education Rebuilding Council. He has been affiliated with PolyU over the years and was conferred the title of Distinguished Honorary Professor in 2002. He will be conferred the Honorary Degree of the Doctor of Science.”