“BBC Learning - Open Lab - Reference”. bbc.co.uk. 2009年11月10日閲覧。 “Dbpedia is a database version of Wikipedia. It's used in a lot of projects for a wide range of different reasons. At the BBC we are using it for tagging content.”[リンク切れ]
“Life in the Linked Data Cloud”. www.opencalais.com. 2009年11月10日閲覧。 “Wikipedia has a Linked Data twin called DBpedia. DBpedia has the same structured information as Wikipedia – but translated into a machine-readable format.”
“Zemanta talks Linked Data with SDK and commercial API”. blogs.zdnet.com. 2009年11月10日閲覧。 “Zemanta fully supports the Linking Open Data initiative. It is the first API that returns disambiguated entities linked to dbPedia, Freebase, MusicBrainz, and Semantic Crunchbase.”