“JRuby 1.1.3 Released”. jruby.codehaus.org (2008年7月19日). 2008年7月19日閲覧。 “Our goal is to put out point releases more frequently for the next several months (about 3-4 weeks a release). We want a more rapid release cycle to better address issues brought up by users of JRuby.”
Nutter, Charles (2008年2月16日). “JRuby RC2 Released; What's Next?”. 2008年2月17日閲覧。 “JRuby's performance regularly exceeds Ruby 1.8.6, and in many cases has started to exceed Ruby 1.9.”
Nutter, Charles (2008年9月11日). “A First Taste of InvokeDynamic”. 2008年9月13日閲覧。 “I managed to successfully wire InvokeDynamic directly into JRuby's dispatch process! Such excitement! The code is already in JRuby's trunk, and will ship with JRuby 1.1.5 (though it obviously will be disabled on JVMs without InvokeDynamic).”