Ellingwood, Justin (2 May 2018). “An Introduction to Kubernetes” (英語). DigitalOcean. 5 July 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。20 July 2018閲覧。 “One of the most important master services is an API server. This is the main management point of the entire cluster as it allows a user to configure Kubernetes' workloads and organizational units. It is also responsible for making sure that the etcd store and the service details of deployed containers are in agreement. It acts as the bridge between various components to maintain cluster health and disseminate information and commands.”
Ellingwood, Justin (2 May 2018). “An Introduction to Kubernetes” (英語). DigitalOcean. 5 July 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。20 July 2018閲覧。 “One of the most important master services is an API server. This is the main management point of the entire cluster as it allows a user to configure Kubernetes' workloads and organizational units. It is also responsible for making sure that the etcd store and the service details of deployed containers are in agreement. It acts as the bridge between various components to maintain cluster health and disseminate information and commands.”