“Astronomische Nachrichten”. Astrophysical Institute Potsdam. 2012年4月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2013年4月2日閲覧。 “[Astronomische Nachrichten] is the oldest astronomical journal of the world that is still being published”
Johann Wempe - biography from the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam.
Benjamin Apthorp Gould and the founding of the Astronomical Journal, Owen Gingerich, The Astronomical Journal, 117:1-5, 1999 January. "Gould had decided to use his own funds to help start a new journal, to be modeled explicitly on the prestigious German Astronomische Nachrichten, then in its 28th volume."
German Astronomy in the Third Reich by Hilmar W. Duerbeck - book chapter published in Organisations and Strategies in Astronomy Volume 7 (2006).
“Astronomische Nachrichten”. Astrophysical Institute Potsdam. 2012年4月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2013年4月2日閲覧。 “[Astronomische Nachrichten] is the oldest astronomical journal of the world that is still being published”