アーバスキュラー菌根 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "アーバスキュラー菌根" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2nd place
6th place
low place
low place
209th place
653rd place
4,627th place
311th place
low place
low place
low place
6,928th place
1,903rd place
237th place







  • 小八重善裕 (2017). “菌根の分子生物学の最新情報~ The 2nd International Molecular Mycorrhiza Meeting (IMMM2015) に参加して~”. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 87 (1): 75-77. doi:10.20710/dojo.87.1_75. 
  • Figueiredo, A. F., Boy, J. & Guggenberger, G. (2021). “Common mycorrhizae network: a review of the theories and mechanisms behind underground interactions”. Frontiers in Fungal Biology 2: 48. doi:10.3389/ffunb.2021.735299. 
  • 小八重善裕 (2016). “アーバスキュラー菌根共生のライフサイクルと機能”. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 87 (6): 479-483. doi:10.20710/dojo.87.6_479. 
  • Jakobsen, I., Abbott, L. K. & Robson, A. D.. “External hyphae of vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Trifolium subterraneum L. 1. Spread of hyphae and phosphorus inflow into roots”. New Phytologist 120 (3): 371-380. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1992.tb01077.x. 
  • Hodge, A. & Storer, K. (2015). “Arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen: implications for individual plants through to ecosystems”. Plant Soil 386: 1–19. doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2162-1. 
  • Hoysted, G. A., Kowal, J., Jacob, A., Rimington, W. R., Duckett, J. G., Pressel, S., ... & Bidartondo, M. I. (2018). “A mycorrhizal revolution”. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 44: 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2017.12.004. 
  • Smith, S. E. & Smith, F. A. (2011). “Roles of arbuscular mycorrhizas in plant nutrition and growth: new paradigms from cellular to ecosystem scales”. Annual Review of Plant Biology 62: 227-250. doi:10.1146/annurev-arplant-042110-103846. 
  • Schüßler, A. & Walker, C. (2011). “7 Evolution of the ‘Plant-Symbiotic’ Fungal Phylum, Glomeromycota”. In Pöggeler, S. & Wöstemeyer, J.. Evolution of Fungi and Fungal-Like Organisms. THE MYCOTA, vol 14. Springer. pp. 163–185. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19974-5_7 
  • Brundrett, M. C. & Tedersoo, L. (2018). “Evolutionary history of mycorrhizal symbioses and global host plant diversity”. New Phytologist 220 (4): 1108-1115. doi:10.1111/nph.14976. 
  • Wang, B. & Qiu, Y. L. (2006). “Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants”. Mycorrhiza 16 (5): 299-363. doi:10.1007/s00572-005-0033-6. 
  • 河合義隆, 手塚修文 & 山本幸男 (1986). “本邦における園芸植物の菌根”. 園芸学会雑誌 54 (4): 477-482. doi:10.2503/jjshs.54.477. 
  • Rimington, W. R., Duckett, J. G., Field, K. J., Bidartondo, M. I. & Pressel, S. (2020). “The distribution and evolution of fungal symbioses in ancient lineages of land plants”. Mycorrhiza 30 (1): 23-49. doi:10.1007/s00572-020-00938-y. 
  • Wang, B., Yeun, L. H., Xue, J. Y., Liu, Y., Ané, J. M. & Qiu, Y. L. (2010). “Presence of three mycorrhizal genes in the common ancestor of land plants suggests a key role of mycorrhizas in the colonization of land by plants”. New Phytologist 186 (2): 514-525. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03137.x. 
  • Delaux, P. M., Radhakrishnan, G. V., Jayaraman, D., Cheema, J., Malbreil, M., Volkening, J. D., ... & Ané, J. M. (2015). “Algal ancestor of land plants was preadapted for symbiosis”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (43): 13390-13395. doi:10.1073/pnas.151542611. 
  • Taylor, T. N., Remy, W., Hass, H. & Kerp, H. (1995). “Fossil arbuscular mycorrhizae from the Early Devonian”. Mycologia 87 (4): 560-573. doi:10.2307/3760776. 
  • Suetsugu, K., Taketomi, S., Tanabe, A. S., Haraguchi, T. F., Tayasu, I. & Toju, H. (2020). “Isotopic and molecular data support mixotrophy in Ophioglossum at the sporophytic stage”. New Phytologist 228 (2): 415-419. doi:10.1111/nph.16534. 
  • 小八重善裕 (2017). “アーバスキュラー菌根菌の遺伝的異質性”. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 88 (5): 478-487. doi:10.20710/dojo.88.5_478. 
  • 江沢辰広 (2017). “土壌微生物が創る共生の世界―その先端的研究事例と農業への応用的研究展開 2. 第二, 第三次技術革新が開くアーバスキュラー菌根共生研究―栄養共生機構・生態・ビジネス展望―”. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 87 (1): 64-69. doi:10.20710/dojo.87.1_64. 
  • Orchard, S., Hilton, S., Bending, G. D., Dickie, I. A., Standish, R. J., Gleeson, D. B., ... & Ryan, M. H. (2017). “Fine endophytes (Glomus tenue) are related to Mucoromycotina, not Glomeromycota”. New Phytologist 213 (2): 481-486. doi:10.1111/nph.14268. 
  • Orchard, S., Standish, R. J., Dickie, I. A., Renton, M., Walker, C., Moot, D. & Ryan, M. H. (2017). “Fine root endophytes under scrutiny: a review of the literature on arbuscule-producing fungi recently suggested to belong to the Mucoromycotina”. Mycorrhiza 27 (7): 619-638. doi:10.1007/s00572-017-0782-z. 
  • Desirò, A., Duckett, J. G., Pressel, S., Villarreal, J. C. & Bidartondo, M. I. (2013). “Fungal symbioses in hornworts: a chequered history”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280: 20130207. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.0207. 
  • Yamamoto, K., Endo, N., Degawa, Y., Fukuda, M. & Yamada, A. (2017). “First detection of Endogone ectomycorrhizas in natural oak forests”. Mycorrhiza 27 (3): 295-301. doi:10.1007/s00572-016-0740-1. 



  • mycorrhiza”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 2022年9月16日閲覧。

