インドネシア独立宣言 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "インドネシア独立宣言" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
5th place
19th place
178th place
12th place
1,212th place
75th place




  • Sōsetsu indoneshia.. Hisanori Wada, Hiroyuki Mori, Tsuneyuki Suzuki, 和田久徳, 森弘之, 鈴木恒之. Tōkyō: Yamakawashuppansha. (1977). ISBN 4-634-42050-3. OCLC 833269654. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/833269654 
  • Fusayama, Takao; 総山孝雄 (Heisei 10 [1998]). Murudeka! : Indoneshia dokuritsu to Nihon (Shohan ed.). Tōkyō: Zenponsha. ISBN 4-7939-0382-7. OCLC 54955833. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/54955833 
  • Shōgenshū, Nihongun senryōka no Indoneshia. Indoneshia Nihon Senryōki Shiryō Fōramu, インドネシア日本占領期史料フォーラム.. Tōkyō: Ryūkeisha. (1991). ISBN 4-8447-8339-4. OCLC 26589506. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/26589506 
  • Shinobu, Seizaburō; 信夫清三郎 (1988). "Taiheiyō Sensō" to "mō hitotsu no Taiheiyō Sensō" : Dainiji Taisen ni okeru Nihon to Tōnan Ajia (Dai 1-han ed.). Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō. ISBN 4-326-30058-2. OCLC 21781286. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/21781286