『フランス革命の省察』の原書の書誌。Burke, Edmund. (1790) Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event : in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Paris.。第3版、Dodsley。NCIDBA19758737. 電子版あり[1]。
『崇高と美の観念の起源』原書の書誌。Burke, Edmund. (1757). A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful. R. and J. Dodsley, NCIDBA67276486.
『自然社会の擁護』の原書書誌。Burke, Edmund (1756). A vindication of natural society, or, A view of the miseries and evils arising to mankind from every species of artificial society : in a letter to Lord.(複写版)NCIDBB2535651X。
『現代の不満の原因について』原書の書誌。Burke, Edmund(1770). Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents. Printed for J. Dodsley ... NCIDBA72026025。
Burke, Edmund and Selby, F. G. (1895) Burke's speeches on American taxation, on conciliation with America & letter to the sheriffs of Bristol . Macmillan, NCIDBA13746407.
Burke, Edmund and Selby, F. G. (1895) Burke's speeches on American taxation, on conciliation with America & letter to the sheriffs of Bristol . Macmillan, NCIDBA13746407.
Burke, Edmund and Selby, F. G. (1895) Burke's speeches on American taxation, on conciliation with America & letter to the sheriffs of Bristol . Macmillan, NCIDBA13746407.
Burke, Edmund and Selby, F. G. (1895) Burke's speeches on American taxation, on conciliation with America & letter to the sheriffs of Bristol . Macmillan, NCIDBA13746407.
『自然社会の擁護』の原書書誌。Burke, Edmund (1756). A vindication of natural society, or, A view of the miseries and evils arising to mankind from every species of artificial society : in a letter to Lord.(複写版)NCIDBB2535651X。
Burke, Edmund; Samuels, Arthur Purefoy Irwin (2014). The early life correspondence and writings of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke LL.D. : with a transcript of the minute book of the debating "Club" founded by him in Trinity College Dublin. Arthur Warren Samuel (序). Cambridge University Press. NCIDBB26007130ISBN9781107667556 学生時代の演説クラブの記録「the Minute Book of the Trinity College, Dublin Debating Club」収載。
Damrosch, David. (2003) "Edmund Burke. From A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful." The Longman anthology of British literature. 第2巻, 第2版. Addison Wesley Longman, ISBN0321093895, NCIDBA66292385.
Burke, Edmund (____) "On the nabob of Arcot's debts ; Speech on the Army estimates ; Reflections on the Revolution in France." Bickers & Son, The writings & speeches of Edmund Burke, volume 3, NCIDBA76627741.
Burke, Edmund (____) "On the nabob of Arcot's debts ; Speech on the Army estimates ; Reflections on the Revolution in France." Bickers & Son, The writings & speeches of Edmund Burke, volume 3, NCIDBA76627741.
Burke, Edmund. (____) "Letter to a member of the National Assembly ; Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs ; Policy of the allies with respect to France, etc.". Bickers & Son. The writings & speeches of Edmund Burke, volume 4, NCIDBA76723541.
Burke, Edmund. (1790) Reflections on the revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event : in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Paris. 第3版, Dodsley. NCIDBA19758737.
Burke, Edmund. (1797) Three memorials on French affairs : written in the years 1791, 1792 and 1793. 第2版, Printed for F. and C. Rivington : J. Hatchard (販売), NCIDBA78702779.
Damrosch, David ; Kevin J.H. Dettmar (編集) "Edmund Burke. From A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful." The Longman anthology of British literature. 第2巻,Pearson Longman, c2006. 第3版. ISBN9780321333988.