オックス・ベル・ハ (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "オックス・ベル・ハ" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2nd place
6th place
5th place
19th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,415th place
95th place
1,952nd place
119th place


  • Bob Gulden (11月28日2016年). “Worlds longest caves”. Geo2 Committee on Long and Deep Caves. NSS. 5月26日2017年閲覧。




  • Stinnesbeck, Sarah R; Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang; Terrazas Mata, Alejandro; Avilés Olguín, Jerónimo; Benavente Sanvicente, Martha; Zell, Patrick; Frey, Eberhard; Lindauer, Susanne et al. (2018-09-05). “The Muknal cave near Tulum, Mexico: An early-Holocene funeral site on the Yucatán peninsula”. The Holocene (SAGE Publications) 28 (12): 095968361879812. doi:10.1177/0959683618798124. ISSN 0959-6836. 
  • Stinnesbeck, Sarah R.; Frey, Eberhard; Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang; Avíles Olguín, Jeronimo; Zell, Patrick; Terrazas Mata, Alejandro; Benavente Sanvicente, Martha; González González, Arturo et al. (2017). “A new fossil peccary from the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary of the eastern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico”. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Elsevier BV) 77: 341–349. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2016.11.003. ISSN 0895-9811. 
  • Schubert, Blaine W.; Samuels, Joshua X.; Chatters, James C.; Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin (2020-07-16). “Muknalia minima from the Yucatán of Mexico is synonymous with the collared peccary, Pecari tajacu (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae)”. Open Quaternary 6 (1): 8. doi:10.5334/oq.84. ISSN 2055-298X. 





  • Stinnesbeck, Sarah R; Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang; Terrazas Mata, Alejandro; Avilés Olguín, Jerónimo; Benavente Sanvicente, Martha; Zell, Patrick; Frey, Eberhard; Lindauer, Susanne et al. (2018-09-05). “The Muknal cave near Tulum, Mexico: An early-Holocene funeral site on the Yucatán peninsula”. The Holocene (SAGE Publications) 28 (12): 095968361879812. doi:10.1177/0959683618798124. ISSN 0959-6836. 
  • Stinnesbeck, Sarah R.; Frey, Eberhard; Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang; Avíles Olguín, Jeronimo; Zell, Patrick; Terrazas Mata, Alejandro; Benavente Sanvicente, Martha; González González, Arturo et al. (2017). “A new fossil peccary from the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary of the eastern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico”. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Elsevier BV) 77: 341–349. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2016.11.003. ISSN 0895-9811. 
  • Schubert, Blaine W.; Samuels, Joshua X.; Chatters, James C.; Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin (2020-07-16). “Muknalia minima from the Yucatán of Mexico is synonymous with the collared peccary, Pecari tajacu (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae)”. Open Quaternary 6 (1): 8. doi:10.5334/oq.84. ISSN 2055-298X.