Moss, Richard (March 25, 2017). “Roam free: A history of open-world gaming”. Ars Technica. October 6, 2017閲覧。 “Amazingly, open-world games can be traced back to the days of mainframes?namely, to the 1976 text-only game Colossal Cave Adventure for the PDP-10. Adventure at its core wasn't much different to the GTAs, Elites, and Minecrafts of today: you could explore, freely, in any direction, and your only goals were to find treasure (which is scattered throughout the cave) and to escape with your life.”
Moss, Richard (March 25, 2017). “Roam free: A history of open-world gaming”. Ars Technica. October 6, 2017閲覧。 “Colossal Cave Adventure was a direct inspiration on 1980 Atari 2600 game Adventure. Its open world may have been sparse and populated by little more than dragon-ducks and simple geometric shapes, but its relative vastness enabled players to imagine magnificent adventures of their own making.”
Mason, Graeme (April 9, 2017). “10 games that defined the ZX Spectrum”. Eurogamer. October 14, 2017閲覧。 “Lords Of Midnight's wonderful storyline (inspired, unsurprisingly, by The Lord Of The Rings), open-world gameplay and elegant graphics were one thing - its seemingly effortless welding of the traditional adventure game to these features set a new standard for software that remains an amazing feat over 30 years later.”
Jankiewicz, Joshua (July 22, 2016). “Valhalla”. Hardcore Gaming 101. October 27, 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。October 14, 2017閲覧。 “Still, for a pre-King's Quest graphic adventure, Valhalla remains pretty unique with its open-world aspects. Being able to kill anyone and anything can be great fun, and seeing what weird things the NPCs will do on autopilot is strangely endearing.”
O'Connor, Alice (January 15, 2015). “Have You Played… Quarantine?”. October 14, 2017閲覧。 “An open-world taxi game set in a hyperviolent dystopian futurecity, 1994's Quarantine is hugely exciting in my foggy memory.”
Jankiewicz, Joshua (July 22, 2016). “Valhalla”. Hardcore Gaming 101. October 27, 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。October 14, 2017閲覧。 “Still, for a pre-King's Quest graphic adventure, Valhalla remains pretty unique with its open-world aspects. Being able to kill anyone and anything can be great fun, and seeing what weird things the NPCs will do on autopilot is strangely endearing.”