キサンチンデヒドロゲナーゼ (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "キサンチンデヒドロゲナーゼ" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
4th place
24th place
2nd place
6th place


  • Ichida K, Amaya Y, Noda K, Minoshima S, Hosoya T, Sakai O, Shimizu N, Nishino T (November 1993). “Cloning of the cDNA encoding human xanthine dehydrogenase (oxidase): structural analysis of the protein and chromosomal location of the gene”. Gene 133 (2): 279-84. doi:10.1016/0378-1119(93)90652-J. PMID 8224915. 




  • Ichida K, Amaya Y, Noda K, Minoshima S, Hosoya T, Sakai O, Shimizu N, Nishino T (November 1993). “Cloning of the cDNA encoding human xanthine dehydrogenase (oxidase): structural analysis of the protein and chromosomal location of the gene”. Gene 133 (2): 279-84. doi:10.1016/0378-1119(93)90652-J. PMID 8224915.