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Inoko M, Nakashima J, Haruna T, Nakano K, Yanazume T, Nakane E, Kinugawa T, Ohwaki H, Ishikawa M, Nohara R. "Images in cardiovascular medicine. Serial changes of the electrocardiogram during the progression of subarachnoidal hemorrhage." Circulation. 2005 Nov 22;112(21):e331-2. No abstract available. PMID16301349Free Article
Naidech AM, Kreiter KT, Janjua N, Ostapkovich ND, Parra A, Commichau C, Fitzsimmons BF, Connolly ES, Mayer SA."Cardiac troponin elevation, cardiovascular morbidity, and outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage." Circulation. 2005 Nov 1;112(18):2851-6. PMID16267258Free Article
Banki NM, Kopelnik A, Dae MW, Miss J, Tung P, Lawton MT, Drew BJ, Foster E, Smith W, Parmley WW, Zaroff JG."Acute neurocardiogenic injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage." Circulation. 2005 Nov 22;112(21):3314-9. Epub 2005 Nov 14. PMID16286583Free Article
Otomo S, Sugita M, Shimoda O, Terasaki H. "Two cases of transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage." Anesth Analg. 2006 Sep;103(3):583-6.PMID16931665Free Article
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"Bosche B, Graf R, Ernestus RI, Dohmen C, Reithmeier T, Brinker G, Strong AJ, Dreier JP, Woitzik J; Members of the Cooperative Study of Brain Injury Depolarizations (COSBID). "Recurrent spreading depolarizations after subarachnoid hemorrhage decreases oxygen availability in human cerebral cortex." Ann Neurol. 2010 May;67(5):607-17.PMID20437558PMC2883076
Latorre JG, Chou SH, Nogueira RG, Singhal AB, Carter BS, Ogilvy CS, Rordorf GA. "Effective glycemic control with aggressive hyperglycemia management is associated with improved outcome in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage." Stroke. 2009 May;40(5):1644-52. Epub 2009 Mar 12.PMID19286596PMC2705778